Friday, May 17, 2013

How do You Spell OSHA Violation?

Title 29, Part 1926 of the Code of Federal Regualtsion sets forth requirements for employers to provide fall protection systems. 

"Unprotected sides and edges." Each employee on a walking/working surface (horizontal and vertical surface) with an unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling by the use of guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems. 

Here's a view of the construction site at 2082 and 2080 Eric Shaefer Way today:

The highest point in the back right-hand corner of this view (above the lift platform) is about 35 feet above the ground.  On the opposite side, not pictured here, the highest point is about 50 feet above ground, due to the fact that there is a "walk-out basement" on that side, and the roof slopes up and away from the lower side pictured above.

They have been working diligently to lower these roof trusses by crane today, and to secure them to the framing.

Then they pulled plywood sheets up through the trusses and secured them as well.

In February, I happened to read an article in the the New Yorker which provided an OSHA statistic that only about 50% of people survive a fall of 30 feet or more.  So seeing this today made me a little squeamish. 

I called the Baltimore office of OSHA this morning and relayed my concerns to them, but apparently they are busy on other things as I've seen no sign that anything has been done to address the issue.

I felt a little better a couple of hours ago when I saw the builder's real estate agent here on site photographing the workers lowering the final roof trusses into place.  I can only assume she was planning to text the photo to the builder (who lives across the street from the job site, but most likely wasn't home to witness these safety violations) and ask him to do something ASAP lest someone gets injured.

Alas, the work has continued uninterrupted throughout the afternoon.  

Though I think I saw the builder drive up the street about a half-hour ago.  No doubt he will soon look out his wall-o-glass window, with a view directly to the job site, and quickly act to make sure the workers promptly institute all necessary safety precautions.

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